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An important step you can take in order to advance your digital marketing strategy is to optimize your website. This is one of the most effective ways to make your business stand out.

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A website is a good means of lead generation without you needing to go the extra mile. The reason is that a large percentage of buyers research about their product of interest online before visiting an e-shop.

For example, a user would visit Google and type in “Red Dress for special occasions”.

SEO will play a big role in optimizing your website for search engines so that more and more customers discover your products when typing in the search bar. To improve your SEO, you should mostly pay attention to the title, meta description, and keywords. Of course, there are other factors as well that play a role but always remember to focus on these three.

Your website is a way of showing the products that you have to offer, to your customers. It can be compared to a shop window since its aim is to make people visit your store and explore it to find a product to satisfy their needs.

An advantage of websites is that it is easier and quicker for customers to find what they need. Moreover, they can read reviews and case studies which will help them decide on what they want to buy, and also find out more about your business. In addition, they will have the ability to watch videos online in order to get a better understanding of what you are selling or even watch video reviews about your products.

A website is super-important for your reputation as well. Customers nowadays believe that if you don’t have a website, then you are not legitimate. For this reason, a website is a good way of establishing trust with your customers.

If you want to have an online presence and advertise through social media or for example email campaigns, a website can be very helpful. Another way of showcasing your product is by including your website’s link in your email signature. In this way, more and more people you contact every day will be able to see your website and explore the opportunities it has to offer. There are many important factors that play a role in creating a strong online presence such as SEO or blogging. Creating blog posts will help you in spreading out your knowledge and help your visitors learn more about your product and your industry. Another way of getting leads is to create awesome landing pages for your audience to visit and subsequently turn them into customers.

Building a website nowadays is easier than ever! You don’t need to have coding skills in order to create a simple website. You can use platforms such as WordPress or Wix.

If you own a small business, then it is easier to build your own website rather than choosing to outsource. On the other hand, if your budget allows outsourcing, then it is definitely a better choice for many reasons.

Firstly, this will help you in creating your own customized website without needing to use a ready-made theme. Also, if you have a web developer by your side, he will be able to handle any problems or bugs that will arise. This is very important since it affects the overall performance of your website, thus its reputation. This means that if you face a major bug and have no one to fix it at the right time, you might lose customers just because of that.

If you have the resources of hiring a web developer then look no further than that! In any case, the choice is yours but remember to effectively examine all your options and also find out more about how much this will cost you and what value it will bring to you.

Elena is a Marketing Executive at Hey Oliver. Elena oversees and develops marketing campaigns, communicates with target audiences to develop customer relationships, and produces creative content including blog posts.

Which is the easiest way to take your digital marketing strategy to the next level?” was originally posted by Hey Oliver, our Marketing Automation Content Partner.

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